Some Basic LUA functions may not work, they will be added in the feature.
Welcome! Here is some WIP documentation of the Terminal in ROBLOS
Terminal commands are created using the vanilla version of Lua
Here is an example of the ls command
--#DESCRIPTION: Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory\nUsage: ls
local folders = modules.folder.getFolder(modules.folder.getDir())
local stuff = {}
for name,_ in pairs(folders) do
So what is going on?
All programs must start with a description, to start your first program go to the notepad and start it off with the code below.
--#DESCRIPTION: Explain what your program does
Next let's get used to our tools
These variables allow you to interact with the OS, some examples could be getting the current directory and changing it as well.
Current Modules Implemented
Folder Modules
modules.folder.isValid(path: String): Boolean
-- Checks if path is a valid Path not if it exist.
modules.folder.changeDir(path: String): Void
--Changes terminal directory
modules.folder.getDir(): String
-- Return current Directory path
modules.folder.getFolder(path: String): Table
-- Returns all content within that path as a table, this includes the metadata of that current file
modules.folder.copy(filePath: String, NewPath: String): Boolean
-- Copy a file NOT A DIRECTORY to a new path
Echo Module
-- Disables any print,warn,usage,error function
-- Enables all print,warn,usage,error function
-- Disables any print,warn,usage,error function
-- Toggles all print,warn,usage,error function
-- Force any print,warn,usage,error to be enabled or disabled function
Now you know, the basics of the terminal language.
As of now this is still a WIP and more modules are getting added along with more commands. This documentation will be changed to include more information but of now.